Welcome To The
Al Diyafah High School MUN
Secretary General's Welcome
Greetings delegates!
‘Individually we are a drop. Together we are an ocean.’. In the spirit of a fierce revival from the events following the dire COVID-19 pandemic, it truly excites me to welcome you to the 4th edition of the Al Diyafah Model United Nations, back in the form of a truly engaging physical conference.
Over the past 2 years, I have witnessed a rapidly growing
interest of individuals in MUN, however, as most
conferences had transitioned onto digital platforms; it
was unfortunate to see that the participants that had
fallen in love with this amazing platform couldn’t
experience them the way we all once did. It is, therefore,
with great pleasure that my team and I are able to present
an exciting, engaging and impactful in-person conference
following a rather mundane 2-year hiatus.
Model UN is a platform that enables individuals across the globe to congregate and share ideas, perspectives and cultures. It allows participants to represent their own and even other nations, exposing you to a broader understanding of how the world works. It takes you into a deep dive of international politics, philosophy, morality and law, helps develop your research & communication skills and most importantly, it is an opportunity to have an incredible amount of fun!
The ADMUN 2022 secretariat is working diligently to provide you with an unforgettable experience, in terms of learning, broadening your perspective and enjoying yourself doing it all unlike ever before.
I hope to see you at the conference and truly appreciate your interest in attending!
Warm Regards,
Ayaan Lasheen